Invitation: Be Smart Business Event

ingevoerd op 10-11-2016

We welcome you to visit the Elektro Internationaal



Elektro Internationaal and Schneider Electric invite you to visit our Smart Panel event. During an afternoon with people from all over the panel building branche we introduce you to the new possibilities and components in paneling, such as the new Masterpact MTZ, smart technology and custom products. You can find models of these panels and components in our expo room. On stage we will present various lectures about current topics in the branche.

Be Smart: come watch and listen and let us fill you in on the latest developments in power distribution!



Friday18 November you are welcome from 12:30 hrs at Elektro Internationaal, Pompmolenlaan 14 in Woerden. Our caterer will make sure you will lack nothing. We will conclude the afternoon with a networking drink at which time you can meet up with your peers.


On stage there will be back-to-back lectures (in Dutch) at 13:00 hrs ánd at 15:00 hrs:

- Smart Panels: transparancy in in energy consumption

- NEN 1010 one year onwards - experiences


REGISTER HERE [registry closed] by e-mailing us your name, company name and e-mailadress.


We hope to see you on 18 November in Woerden!


Uitnodiging social engels Uitnodiging social engels